* Confidential *
Lines of the anthropocene film
The universal United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide humanity with a first-ever set of integrated aspirational goals for world development aligned with planetary sustainability. While extremely inspiring, this global narrative needs to find resonance, be validated and taken on board in the everyday life of billions of people worldwide. Sustainability is a vision for the 21 century which to be realized will require the wide engagement of people all over the world.
“Lines of the Anthropocene” is a feature-length creative documentary at the highest cinematic standards, bringing together frontier perspectives from Earth System Science, Humanities, Social Sciences and practice to create a widely accessible narrative about sustainability in the 21 century. Blending interview material and animations, “Lines of the Anthropocene” will generate novel imagery and language to support shifts in perspectives with regard to humans’ relationships with the living world.
Film Content
The film is based on the content of interviews with academics, practitioners and philosophers. The final product will be a “modular” 79 minutes film, that can be viewed as a whole or be shared in social media in shorter segments varying from 3 to 7 minutes. The interviews content communicates with accessible language the most up-to-date sustainability science and portrays the SDGs as an inspiring vision for the world.
Some of the interviews already conducted include:
British Anthropologist Prof. Tim Ingold, on a relational perspective of humans and nature.
Prof. Karen O'Brien, the nature of the climate adaptation challenge and the role of individual agency
Prof. Will Steffen, the challenges of the Anthropocene.
and authors of "Making Peace with Nature" report.

Visual Approach
Interviews are being illustrated with animations by Oscar nominee Michelle Kranot. These are hand-painted animations that that use a playful and imaginative approach to enliven the content and make it more accessible to a wider audience.
Animations give life and reimagine central concepts such as the anthropocene, planetary boundaries. They are sensitive and humorist at times. The visual and sonic language has ample contemplative space.

The film will target mainstream cinema channels and television nationally and internationally and finally be released freely online. The innovative and striking animations will be created with the wide public in mind, as well as specific fora of debate and sustainability practice such as the UN High-Level Political Forum (UN-HLPF).
The award-winning team has many international acclaims within cinema industry and over a decade of experience in collaboration with Global Environmental Change scientists including the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Royal Institute of Technology, EU-Impressions project and a wide international sustainability research network. The director Diego Galafassi is a brazilian-born filmmaker and sustainability scientist with a PhD degree from Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden.
Directed by Diego Galafassi, Producer Hedvig Lundgren, Composer Bethan Kellough, Animations Michelle and Uri Kranot, Cinematography Daniel Takacs.
Past works
Diego Galafassi, Breathe (Sundance 2020), Charismatic Megafauna (CPH:DOX 2019)
Michelle and Uri Kranot, "Cosmopolitanism", Hollow Land

Supported by
The film is fully funded in Sweden and information about funding is publicly available. The following organizations have funded the project:

Pilot interview and animations
Excerpt from interview with British anthropologist Tim Ingold about relational perspectives
Pilot animation by Michele and Uri Kranot.
Making Peace with Nature Report
Specific asks
We will feature the work of the UN report "Making Peace with Nature" with interviews with authors. The goal of the interviews is to provide the most up-to-date perspective on the challenges of sustainability and transformations.
Our key asks are:
Scheduling interviews with with authors (from July 2021 onwards)
Suggestions of stories of transformations (Spring 2021)
Co-host a workshop session with some of the authors for a film preview and co-create narrative (late Summer 2021)
Explore possibilities for distribution and impact, including joint screenings (Winter/Spring 2022)
All media developed will be made available for free for UN utilisation after the film release.

Available on https://www.unep.org/resources/making-peace-nature