Claim your power!
The images on this webpage are only reference.
What is your power?
Join our empowerment campaign and inspire others!
You can help us create this campaign by
Sending us a video shorter than 1 minute
describing the one thing that brings you
the strength to transcend these challenging times.
You can send it directly to
We will then produce a short video, consisting of submissions from all over the world. So it is about inspiring each other. Because we believe that, in these challenging and crucial times, we can empower each other.
We all have our superpowers! In this campaign we want to bring those stories forward and shine a light on what makes us stronger. We believe power can be contagious and by hearing what makes others stronger we can empower each other. The state of the planet and of human civilization calls for the participation of everyone in crafting a viable future for humankind.
We are a group of educators and facilitators from Germany, Italy, Hungary, Sweden, Austria and Portugal, working on an European Union project about empowerment. The goal is to create tools to empower and support individuals and communities to actively shape society towards a more humane, joyful and sustainable world. We explore how to create settings that strengthen courage, self-confidence, and self-efficacy, curating, testing and honing methods and pathways with proven results.
As part of the project, we are launching a campaign that invites everyone to celebrate their source of power and strength.
"I am empowered by... ."
"For me, empowerment means taking back the power."
Anni Emilia Alentola
journalist & body positivity activist
"What gives me joy is when parents whose children were said that they couldn’t read or wouldn’t fit into the school system are telling me that they are doing well now."
Emmanuel Stephen Oluwaseun
educator, researcher & teacher trainer
"I like to inspire.... Everything is possible...."
What empowers you?
Share your story with us.
<< here you will
see the previews
from our
Instagram profile
Ah! And before you go..
We would appreciate your opinion about which of the 3 campaign slogans you like the most:
We will choose one slogan to launch the invitation for submitting personal stories of empowerment.